Today (04.09.2013)
is a most, most despairing day. The death of a cyclist in Southwark must make other
Southwark Council Members weep as responsible for this continued deadly
conflict & until we all fix it, now not tomorrow, more will die.
I spent from 07.10
am till 09.50 am preparing for a meeting, worried about a possible reduction in
key space for cycling and safety of cyclists in my Southwark Ward.
Next, I spent time
getting persuaded by Southwark Council Officers into acceptance of much of their
draft, and thereafter emailed, if only one key issue of safety and space for
cycling was addressed.
Soon afterwards
emails arrived with much more detailed technical support highlighting my instinctive
concerns to condemn the draft.
This a
pre-consultation with elected Councillors so timelines narrow.
It was then
knew a weakness, I gave in far too readily.
Such have been
the attacks by my fellows, using the power of party group to control the Council
machine, I had been made meek and less than I should aspire and humanly hope to
Next, I learnt
of the death of a cyclist in Southwark.
I cried.
I hope my
fellows are just as ashamed of the lack of actions to protect cyclists in
I gave in so
easily and, in place of the robust strength of instinct, failed to stand up for
all and a totally robust cycling modal solution.
Later, when I
met with a few activists complaining about Southwark Cyclists and the London
Cycling Campaign being pro-Labour, I have to say the suggestion that it was now
impossible to get a rational and “Dutch” infrastructure adopted in Southwark
did seem just vaguely plausible.
We are in dire need
of a dedicated infrastructure to remove conflict between cyclists and motorists.
This cannot be a piecemeal solution and anything short of a unified solution is
to kill cyclists.
My emails with
Fiona Colley in 2010-11 at least suggest she wanted such conflict as segregation
must not be in the Local Plan.
Peter John proclaims
Southwark will one day be the most cycle friendly borough and this is an aspiration
I will work for.
Dearest Peter,
these are great words but when the need actions?
I will now ask
in Council Assembly just what the actions to make Southwark go Dutch are.
It is after all about making
sure journeys are not made longer and less convenient as who wants to spend
more of their time cycling around junctions with motor vehicles speeding ahead?
No-one should have to
choose between "safe" and "convenient.
No-one should ever be
encouraged to choose a less safe route across any junction that will kill if
they're in a hurry.
I cannot comprehend why
we still make the mistake of separating "less
confident" cyclists and thereby promoting inferior cycling solutions that
force people into such devil's bargains.
Build the infrastructure and
cycle they will. But we must avoid the costly mistake of building
infrastructure which facilitates conflict, danger and inconvenience.
How will all Southwark's Councillors be
reassured about Southwark’s future for cycling?